• Copy the contents of floppy disk Pathways BBS to your hard disk drive.
• If you are in the metro Atlanta area, double-click on the icon with the local Atlanta number, 920-6571.
• If you are calling long distance, double-click on the second icon with the 1-(404) prefix.
The next dialog box you see will have two blank boxes for your user ID and Password.
• Double-click on the Setup button on the lower left.
You are now in the FirstClass Connection Settings
•Enter your User ID in the top blank box. You can use your real name or a "handle" if you would prefer.
•Enter your Password. DO NOT use a password you are already using for other purposes, and avoid passwords that use birthdates. You can use a combination of letters and numbers.
Memorize your password or write it down. The software will remember it, but if you later have to replace this software you may need your password and User ID to log on.
The software is setup for a 2400 baud Hayes-compatible modem. This should work fine, however if your modem is higher speed than 2400, you may want to set up the software for your exact model modem for better operation.
•Double-clicking on the Change button will take you to the next dialog box.
If you need to change the Baud Rate:
• Click in the Baud Rate box and select your desired baud rate. If you want to use customized modem settings for your particular modem, go to the Modem box and select the modem setup for your modem. If your modem brand is not listed, try the Hayes Compatible setup.
If you want to disable call waiting on your phone line to avoid being disconnected while using your modem, add *70 in front of the phone number in the Phone # box.
• Once you have changed what you need to change, click on the OK button,
Next, in the FirstClass Conncection Settings dialog box click on the Save button
Now you will be back at the first dialog box and ready to click on the Login button.
When you first Login, you will be presented with an autoregistration form to fill in. Please complete this form and click on the Register button.
Now you will have a desktop with 2 floating pallets and a window, which you may rearrange on your screen. The desktop window will take you to the various conferences.
Use the pull-down menus to navigate and to write a message. You can attach files to messages and your files will automatically upload when you Send the mail. There is a "? Help" folder on the desktop which will help you use various features on Pathways BBS.
***Please note: as an AUTOREGISTERED user you will have limited access to Pathways BBS, but you will be able to look around and see what we have to offer . If you wish to become a member, we offer several levels of membership and we offer group discount rates for organizations.
I have also enclosed on this disk a Word 4.0 manual (in self-extracting archive) on how to use the FirstClass Client software. Just double-click on the icon to automatically EXPAND the software. It should answer many of your questions about how to use FirstClass Client software and how various features of the BBS work.
After you have completed your setup, make a backup copy of your Pathways BBS folder and copy to a floppy disk. This is your backup disk and contains your setup files and password. Store in a safe place.
You will find a copy of the shareware program Stuffit Expander on this disk. This shareware utility will allow you to decompress archived files downloaded from Pathways BBS.
W O R D O F M O U T H A D V E R T I S I N G . . .
Please share the ORIGINAL Pathways BBS disk with friends who have a Mac and a Modem. All software on the disk may be copied and freely distributed. The more members who log in and become members, the more services we can offer.
If you have any questions, please call me at (404) 942-5797. Enjoy!